Hand Picked by Automotive Experts, 100% Reconditioned by Master Techs, each car is 100% Guaranteed!

Welcome to Precision Auto Sales of Tucson

Our clients have high expectations for their vehicles, and equally high expectations about the dealership professionals who serve them. Precision Auto Sales of Tucson is not a large dealership but rather an Independent dealer that has exclusively serviced and is now selling, pre-owned Honda, Acura, Toyota, Lexus, and Subaru vehicles. We are widely recognized across the city of Tucson, AZ to be among the best in quality, reliability, value, and customer satisfaction in both Sales and Service. We have proudly been serving Tucsonans since 1984.

When you're ready, come on by for a test drive*

*Please allow enough time for your test drive by arriving no later than 4:30 PM. Thank You. 

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